Friday 10 January 2020


ethical management in the workplace සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

In any civilized society, the ethical management is the most imperative requirement which should be maintained in an organization, department, team, school, hospital as well as in a family etc.
Ethical management is a process of maintaining values, Exercise integrity, honesty, diligence and appropriate behavior securing the reputation as well as the freedom of themselves and other selves too. If ethical management is properly in placed within the organization, we can observe codes; policies and procedures as well as relevant training are implemented. At the same, we identify that the importance of tendency to follow these guidelines by employees to avoid and minimize the unethical behaviors securing the professionalism at all times.
According to the article of ‘8 guidelines for managing ethics in the work place’ in Free Management library it is important to ‘integrate ethics management with other management practices’. The article mentions that ‘when developing the value statement during strategic planning, include ethical values preferred in the work place. When developing personal policies, reflect on what ethical values you’d wish to be most prominent within the organizations' culture then design policies to supply these behaviors.'

Involvement of employees in developing and operating ethical management programmes makes more success as employees tend to feel the ownership of same.
Maintaining a sound ethical culture of an organization reflects about what a company values. Ethics codes are one way to express the prevailing values and outlines guideposts for same.

ethical management in the workplace සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Practices can be suggested for ethical management in the organization…
Be a role model and be visible
Communicate ethical expectations.
Offer ethics training.
Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones.
Provide protective mechanisms.

Practices can be suggested for ethical management in the organization…
Be a role model and be visible
Communicate ethical expectations.
Offer ethics training.
Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones.
Provide protective mechanisms.

ConclusionAn ethical workplace culture is one that provides priority to employee rights, fair procedures, equity in pay and promotion, promotion of tolerance, compassion, loyalty and honesty within the treatment of customers and employees, and the ethical pursuit of profit. When employees respect the principles of conduct and feel fairly treated by management, they start to trust managers and internalize the company’s values as their own. It cause to make becomes embedded in the workplace culture. If stockholders and potential investors trust management and believe they are committed to ethics, they are more likely to invest.

ethical management in the workplace සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Free Management Library. 2010. 8 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ETHICS IN THE WORKPLACE. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8 January 2020]. 2017. The Role of Management in Establishing an Ethical Culture. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8 January 2020].


Transformational leadership is identified as an exceptional concept due to its potential implications for the performance of the organization. This concept of leadership can collectively impact employee behavior and commitment leading to improvements in the work climate and knowledge sharing as well as enhancing the performance based culture to achieve the ultimate goal of achieving higher profits.
transformational leadership impact to performance සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Characteristics of a Transformational leader.
-Doesn’t seek much direction from others & manage themselves                             
-Highly internally motivated
- Uses motivation to direct the organization to the right path
- Values are aligned with those of the organization
Ability to take the right risks & Proactive

- uses the ideas of team members to make decisions
- Seeks inputs from the team to make risky decisions that facilitate growth
- Takes risks, and takes an active role in growing the organization
Make difficult decisions

-Makes tough decisions for the betterment of the organization with a clear focus on the values, vision, objectives, and goals of the organization
Share collective organizational consciousness
-Shares and understands the collective consciousness of the entire organization

- gives the team a clear idea of what actions to take to elicit desired actions from the employees

-Creates a shared vision for the organization
Inspirational Entertain new ideas

-Acts according to identifying success depends on effort of the entire team, and growth relies with a culture of openness to new ideas from all levels
-Makes deliberate efforts to solicit new ideas from team members
-Understands the importance of constantly adapting to changes in the  market conditions to keep moving forward
-Willingly adapts to new situations  and seeks creative ways to respond to the dynamic business environment
Lead with vision
-Sets a realistic and achievable vision for the organization
- Communicates the vision effectively to their followers
-Inspires a sense of commitment and purpose
-Is able to strongly guide the organization to the targeted achievement
               අදාළ රූපය
A transformational leader who is with the positive characteristics can direct his organization towards success in every aspects, he can make significant transformation on progress of performance. Employees begin to perform to accomplish more than the expected standards. Sustainable development of performance ensuring customer satisfaction towards the products & services of the organization can be observed. Further employees willingly contribute towards the fundamental purpose of the transformation process accompanying higher expectation as they are inspired intellectually as well as financially. They will be trained and skilled for specialized jobs and will retain servicing the long period to the organization, which will a definite benefit to achieve budgeted targets and performance.

Orabi, T., 2016. The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Performance: Evidence from Jordan. Macro Think Institue, [Online]. 6, 2. Available at: [Accessed 8 January 2020].

y scouts. 2020. 10 Transformational Leadership Characteristics. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 January 2020]


knowledge workers සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

The Global context..
“Global context provides a common language for powerful contextual learning, identifying specific settings, events or circumstances that provide more concrete perspectives for teaching and learning. Within this context, currently we can identify the importance and benefits of knowledge workers in all industries than any other periods in the history.”

A knowledge worker...

A person whose job involves handling or using information called as a Knowledge worker. He performs to think to solve complex problems, to develop new services or products, to produce findings from research in a specific format.
The importance of knowledge workers can be emphasized in the information technology industry roles; i.e; web designers, coders, programmers and analysts. In our point of view; the knowledge workers are required as accountants, analysts, Architects, lawyers, scientists, pharmacists, copywriters, engineers and etc. in different industries such as Finance, Marketing, Architecture, Constructions, Engineering, Telecommunication & etc.

 knowledge workers සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Importance of knowledge workers to expect a rapid growth of the organization in Global context…
With the development of globalization; we can observe the expansion of knowledge work in industries;
 -priority goes to information societies,
-Generations with higher education enter the workforce,
- Technology replaces manual human labor,
-skill levels increase on the average.

Observations of expansion & implementation of knowledge work..
In this global context; a revolution is in place as its’ becoming independent of location when it comes to a work place, time and tools. Work is not tied to locations; work and free time are blurred. Within the concept of global context; the knowledge work labor markets are opened up globally.

The retirement ages are on the rise and careers get longer. At the same time background and work experiences of knowledge workers are becoming diverse which lead to differences in cultural expectations, work practices, education, and even cognitive abilities of knowledge workers.
In organization’s point of view, in-house and external knowledge workers form a resource pool, and workers are assigned to projects based on required competences.
knowledge workers සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
For individual workers, these changes mean constant marketing and maintenance of competences, and the precedence of reputation mechanisms over hierarchical positions.
Combinations of tools have taken place of many individual workers, but knowledge workers have personal and subjectively most efficient preferred toolsets.
The boundaries of technological capability continue to expand. In the long run, any repetitive or routine work, can be automated which causes significant efficiency increasing & replacing instead of human labor.
Data is an important source of economic value and permeates all sectors of society. Data from diverse sources into meaningful results has become an important part of knowledge work.
According to article ‘The trends shaping work and working lives’ in CIPD 2013; increased female labour market participation can be identified. As a result of global context, the workforce is now split almost evenly by gender. It mentions that              “employers have a much wider talent pool available to them, with more women joining and staying in the labour force”.

The management in all organizations; should be vigilant on paying even & competitive wages & transparent policies for promotions to reduce turnover, to increase the job satisfaction. At the same time with the concepts of ‘in-house’ and ‘external knowledge work’, it is difficult to identify and implement common HR practices such as employee engagement, upward problem solving and etc.


Lehtiniem, T., 2015. Trends of Knowledge Work and Needs for Knowledge Work Tools. Re:Know, [Online]. 1, 1-7. Available at: [Accessed 8 January 2020].

Telapplicant. 2019. The Importance of Knowledge Workers. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2020].

CIPD 2013 The Trends Shaping Work & Working Lives. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 9 January 2020].



Wednesday 8 January 2020


employee engagement advantages සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Employee engagement is very vital in any organization as it has a direct impact on how productive, efficient, and innovative an employee is. When employees are engaged, they care about the well-being of their company and work hard to make it successful.
We observe less turnover, fewer incidents of employee theft, fewer safety mishaps, improved performance, and better attendance in an organization with engaged employees.
How does Employee Engagement effects to an organization in a positive manner...
ü  Higher commitment
A devoted employee is concerned with producing consistently, high quality work and is loyal to the organization, management, colleagues and subordinates.
ü  Honesty and integrity
Engaged employees are concerned about the dignity & reputation of themselves as well as of the organization.
ü  A safer work environment
Engaged employees are more careful to avoid risks and are focused on accuracy of the functions where the organization can accept a safer work environment to all employees.  
ü  Improved performance
Dependable employees are also more enthusiastic to put an extra effort on their work. They make sure on producing flawless work and also work exceeds their job description. Employees who are really focused on their work are more innovative in their daily tasks and are creatively initiating procedures and ideas that are more productive and efficient.

ü  Better attendance
Engaged employees are much less likely to skip work & they’re excited to get to work and achieve their given tasks. They are keen on the welfare and prosperity of the company depends on them, so they’re anxious to help it meet its goals.
ü  Better employee health.
Why? Engaged workplaces tend to show more respect for employees’ needs, encouraging employees to appropriately care for their health.
In which cause many benefits back to the organization by employees.  

ü  Happier employees.
Highly engaged organizations are free from employees’ peer pressure, termination, or other high-stress behaviors. Instead, these organizations use practices like employee recognition, one-on-one meetings, and 360 feedbacks to drive performance.

ü  Better home life.
Engaged employees have happier home lives, they are beneficial to the workplace; as well as to their families. They don't complain about their job to a significant other, have the energy to play with the kids after work, and generally contribute to a positive home atmosphere.  

ü  Better customer service.
When engaged employees are working; customers are more likely to be well-served. They care deeply about their jobs, and thus, the customers.

ü  Higher sales.
       With Better customer service, better productivity & better quality engaged employees does better sales.
 employee engagement advantages සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
When Employee is engaged; it leads to higher service, quality, and productivity & it causes to higher customer satisfaction, which increases the ultimate goal of the organization; High profits.
Even with or without engagement of the organization; employees can be engaged towards their job and performance. But the organization should be vigilant to reward their employees by appraising, effecting salary increments and increasing other fringe benefits with proper performance management to maintain continuous  employee engagement.  
employee engagement සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

HWSTAFFINGSOLUTIONS. 2018. The Positive Impact of Employee Engagement. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2020].

Quantumworkplace. 2020. Why is employee engagement important?14 benefits backed by research. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2020].

The importance of effective performance management system to enhance the efficiency of employees.

The importance of effective performance management system to enhance the efficiency of employees.

The importance of effective performance management system to enhance the efficiency of employees. සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

What is performance management- Literature review..

            “Not only do managers dislike carrying out performance appraisals but many admit that it is the most dreaded task in their calendar. Too often it leads to a shallow discussion, with both parties colluding to meet the organization’s prescribed administrative procedure and, in doing so, avoiding the more fundamental issue of performance improvement.’ (Cunneen, 2006)

“A much more inclusive, forward-looking approach involving the individual, supporting their development and linking in to the organisation’s needs and values”(Spangenburg and Theron, 2001)

“There is still the need for a conversation to both reflect on past performance and to look forward.” (Cannell, 2006)

 The effective performance management is an act of engaging with an employee to review their ongoing workplace performance and development. 

The process combines
üInformation gathering through mon­i­tor­ing goal completion, feedback and discussions.
üAnalyzing successes, strengths, learning from mistakes and examining potential for growth and development.

what is performance management සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

The Aim of Any Good Performance Management System &                                           
the aim of organizations..

Within any organization, there should be a unique performance management system which utilizes appropriate approaches, tools and techniques with specific to the organizational values.
In this way, performance management and business objectives entwine with employee wellness and morale. The performance appraisal is a tool to emphasize employees they have support, to offer training and development and to deliver reward and recognition.
It results in better staff retention, while majority attributes greater motivation to offering incentives. But at the same time; meaningful reward and recognition systems can only implemented

Can we use performance management to improve levels of employee engagement?

Every good performance management system seeks to work towards the improvement of the overall organizational performance, while supporting performance, productivity and the well­be­ing of its employees, ensuring e the achievement of overall goals and ambitions while aligning them with employee goals. 

Organization seeks enthusiastic, ambitious employees who perform their roles perfectly and always exceed expectations. But existence, constant continuation of standards according to the management expectations; cannot be expected from employees. 

examples for performance managing systems සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

The Importance of Performance Management and Continuous Feedback.

        Rewarding and recognizing employees can be significantly advantageous to the

offering incentives. 

where there is an accurate and visible process of performance feedback and discussions.

Performance Management helps to boost employee engagement and productivity.
Engaged employees stay longer; actively involve themselves in the workplace.

importance of feedback in performance සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Continuous performance management generates an ongoing dialogue and an atmosphere of trust, support and encouragement between employee and management. 
If an employee is aware that their management cares about what they are doing and is dedicated to helping them do better and progress their career,they tend to engage with the company.

Chubb, C.,Reilly, P. and Brown, C. (2011). Performance Management,Literature Review. ies, [Online]. 1, 1-45. Available at: 
[Accessed 6 January 2020].


ETHICAL MANAGEMENT  In any civilized society, the ethical management is the most imperative requirement which should be maintained ...