Saturday 2 November 2019

E-recruiting: Modern Applicant tracking system for better applicant management

E-recruiting: Modern Applicant tracking system for better applicant management
Image result for e recruitment images
                        E- recruitment is the process of recruiting personal with the use of technology and web based resources.
                        At present; e-recruitment has quickly become the preferred means talent scouting. As a result, many companies are now attentive to their online recruiting strategies, with social media proving a particularly effective way of sourcing new employees.
                         According to Cappeli (2001) it costs only about one twentieth as much to hire someone online as to hire that same person through ...other traditional methods .Image result for e recruitment images
                    Indeed, professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn have created a targeted, easily accessible pool of candidates, allowing recruiters to prescreen potential hires based on the information on their profiles. However, as with any tool or method, there are disadvantages too.
Cost Effective
Cost can spiral
It can be difficult to measure effectiveness
Can reach a bigger audience
Attracts bad candidates
Can make your job more dynamic
There's a lot of competition
There could be lost labor hours
Attracts fraudulent applicants
Cannot reach candidates who are not on the web
Expedites the hiring process
Not useful for jobs which the relevant labor market is local.
Easily identifies candidates who have applied previously 

Increase brand awareness by attracting candidates to your website  

 E-recruitment technologies have done a major impact to the efficiency and effectiveness of HR departments in numerous ways. i.e.;
-  Cost Effectiveness,
-  Reduced Recruitment Cycle,
-  Consistent Recruitment Process,
-  Facilitation for Job Seekers

                        The recruitment process have been evolved from the paper based process to the modern day recruitment with E-Recruitment. In the globalized culture; recruitment process has become more digital and less personal interactive which influenced a shorter recruitment process, a shorter application cycle and less administration for recruiters. Candidates find the e-recruitment as an efficient procedure to get selected for an employment as well. 

Career Addict. 2019. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Recruitment. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 1 November 2019].

Citeman. 2007. Recruiting via internet. [ONLINE] 
[Accessed 1 November 2019].


  1. Good job Ivanthi, you have well explained about e- recruitment

  2. Great 👍 In overall the points are detailed and well explained.

  3. Important topic. Good one Ivanthi. Keep it up

  4. Ivanthi Thanks for valuble information on E recruiting, you have argued pros and cons of E recruiting, Best wishes

  5. Good article well explained lvanthi

  6. You have explained well. Good article

  7. Inspirational ! The modern trend towards e recruitment has explained properly. All the best!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good article Ivanthi.Also you better consider about the font size & colours as well

  10. Ivanthi , A Comprehensive literature on Recruitment including modern approaches which is Constance resolution for key HRM Issues .Great work & keep spinning

  11. Good & simple blogs post ..It is really interesting. Thank u

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Please follow the Harvard reference and citation style.

    Whatever the references listed should have been cited in the main text. In other words, only cited reference should be listed as references.

  14. An important discussion on recruitment process on E base .It is glad to note that recruitment cost could be reduced by E - Recruitment though Human resource always keeps a competitive advantage over the competition , I urge that keeping manual process on physical screening would be much important .Further E Screening of candidates are important when recruiting knowledge workers .Healthy comparison furnished by discussing of advantages & disadvantages.

  15. agreed with your explanation and suggestion. An applicant tracking system is a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment and hiring needs. They provide an automated way for companies to manage the entire recruiting process, from receiving applications to hiring employees.



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